We can all hope for change right? So many times we sit and want to change things but we do nothing to effect that change. People talk a good game but how many of those same people do anything to back up their words?
I want everybody to be successful. It can happen! Everybody could be better than they are today. We can all learn. It doesn't matter how long you have been in this business you will always learn something new from time to time. Today I noticed that some people never change. They continue doing the same things they have always done and in the process will limit themselves by their very own actions.
Each and every one of us walks a different path. We will all do things that are wrong, we will all make mistakes and we will all hopefully learn and grow from these mistakes but the more I watch the people in this industry the more frustrated I am with the arrogance, know it all attitudes and flat out ignorance for basic human interaction. We are in the service industry people! People deserve to be treated better than this especially your peers. Just because somebody doesn't live up to the standards that you would have for yourself doesn't make them any less of an entertainer or a person. Understand that they are dealing with different things in their lives and may not have all of the same skills that you do. That being said don't attack. Embrace. Help them learn WITHOUT confronting them or making them look bad in a public forum.
So let's do this people. Let's start to forget about how much experience we have. Let's forget about the physical things we have for a bit. Let's look at each other as people, as individuals and realize that as individuals we will all do things differently. And that is perfectly OK! Take action my friends don't let those words die a slow death. Words without actions are useless! Show your fellow DJ's and fans the person you truly can be!
Sleep well my fellow DJ's and my fans!
This page is where I will be posting updates and news for my fans. If you can please like my Facebook page as I would appreciate it. You never know when I may choose some lucky fans to bring out to shows! Thanks for stopping in! For booking information call (919)441-7353!
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